Renewable Energy

The Parish Council's Approach to Wind Turbine Development

Recently the Parish Council has become aware of a number of proposals for wind turbine development within and adjacent to the Parish. In the light of the possibility of an increasing number of wind turbine proposals, the Council wishes to formulate a consistent approach to the issue. In particular, the Parish Council is concerned to ensure that local circumstances and views are fully taken into account by Wakefield District Council as the Local Planning Authority, prior to it making any decisions on wind turbine applications. 

In commenting on wind turbine proposals within or close to the Parish, the Parish Council will endeavor to ensure that the Local Planning Authority fully take into account the following issues prior to making a decision.

  1. Adequate opportunity has been given for the local community to comment.
  2. Adequate consideration is been given to the impact of any proposals on:
    - Residential properties and amenity of residents. (Ensuring a reasonable distance from residential properties );
    - The quality and character of the landscape;
    - Enjoyment of the countryside for casual recreational pursuits e.g walking, cycling and horse riding;
    - The openness of the Green Belt;
    - The ecology of the countryside
    - Listed buildings, archaeological and historic sites
  3. Adequate consideration is being given to the cumulative impact of wind turbine proposals on the environment of the Parish.
The Parish Council will lodge an objection whenever it considers the adverse impacts of the proposal to be significant and outweigh its benefits.

Policy agreed 1 July 2014